How to learn Java script for Web Application development

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Javascript for Web Application Development - Object Developer

Javascript for Web Application Development - Object Developer

JavaScript Best Way for Web application development

Step1 : You need to include jquery library in you web application, remember this file put above to your script
Step2 : You can download this library from this this website link or direclty you put this below file
<script  src=""></script>

Try Javscript in your Web application project

firstly you create a script for alert any message, so you can check javascript is working or not in your application
alert("Hello! its working");
Thats good, its working fine, if you have problem for set up you can comment below

For More Practice we implement some more script

Lets, we create a button, click event on button. When we click on button we want to trigger our action

Lets try...

Create a Button in your html body

we create a button, where we write a function onclick - checkMe, it means we click on this button, this checkme function call
function checkMe(){
alert("Yeah!! its working");

If you want to call your javascript by id (Click Event by ID)

Many times we need to call our javscript function by any ID / Classs

Lets, we create a button, give a ID name. When we click on button we want to trigger our action

Lets try...

Create a Button in your html body

we create a button, where we give a ID name - MyButtonID, it means we click on this button, this MyButtonID call
$("#MyButtonID").on('click', function(){
alert("On click function by ID");
you use on click function of javascript by id, for id you need # with id name just like ("#myID")

If you want to call by class then just replcae # with . like - (".myClassName")

How do pass variables from JavaScript to PHP and redirect to a PHP page after passing variables

Use Ajax Method for pass value and return get any result, so i create a function, i call a function and pass a value to ajax page, create a ajax.php page
function passdata(){
var passvalue="123";
data:{passval:passvalue}, //Pass your varibale in data
alert(getreturn); //you get return value in this varibale, us it anywhere
in ajax.php page you pass value by javacript get
echo "MyRetrunresult"; // pass your return result to ajax
I Write more javascript as soon, this is very important for your Software Development or Web Application Development

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