Top 3 Major Update for Google Algorithm

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Object Developer is the Best Software Development Company in Udaipur to share the Top 3 Major Update for Google Algorithm to Search Updating list. Every Website Owner follows Google algorithms for website rank, and google many times updates their algorithms, and we follow Google Algo for the top position on search engines. Google is always taking seriously on helpful content and quality content.

  1. Panda:-

Launch: – February 24, 2011

Imperilling:  Content Farming, Low Quality Content, plagiarized or thin content; user-generated spam; keyword stuffing.

How it works: The Panda algorithm update assigns a so-called “quality control checks” to web pages. This quality control checks is then used as a ranking factor for the search engine.

How to fix:  checks your content duplication, thin content, and keyword stuffing. Make sure that your content is useful, unique and free of errors. Remove duplicate content that is copied from other sites.

2. Penguin:-

Launch: April 24, 2012

Imperilling: Spammy or irrelevant links; Unnatural links, links with over-optimized anchor text, Keyword stuffing 

  • How it works:  Penguin’s Updating is to down-rank sites whose backlinks look unnatural. Example: – If generated by link purchase or link rent from link farms.

    How to Fix: To stay safe from the effects of the Google Penguin update, monitor your link profile’s growth and run regular audits with a backlink checker in Tools. The removal of any unnatural links over which you have control.

3. Hummingbird:-

Launch: September 26, 2013

Imperilling: Keyword stuffing, low-quality content.

How it works: The Hummingbird algorithm helps Google better interpret search queries and provide results that match searcher intent. Hummingbird Related searches; synonyms and co-occurring terms would help you to draft optimum content on your webpage.

How to Fix: that you can do to improve your local rankings. Grow your keyword research and focus on concepts behind the keywords. Now when you see your keyword matching the searches intent, there is a total opportunity for you to rank well organically & locally. Analyse the keyword related searches, synonyms and co-occurring terms.

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